


Makeup Artist / Apprentice

Chia – Permanent makeup:

Chia er 41 år og kommer oprindeligt fra Iran. Hun er både permanente make up artist og vores tattoo elev i shoppen. Chia har over 7 år erfaring med permanent make up, hvor hun laver både øjenbryn, eyeline og læber. Hun specialisere sig i speficikke teknikker som microblading, 3D-microshading, combo bryn og læbefarvning. Hun tilpasser altid teknikkerne så de opfylder netop dit unikke behov og ønsker. Hun har taget mange kurser gennem tiden og er altid opdateret med de nyeste trends og teknologier inden for branchen

Chia is 41 years old and originally from Iran. She is both a permanent make-up artist and our tattoo student in the shop. Chia has over 7 years of experience with permanent make up, where she does both eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips. She specializes in specific techniques such as microblading, 3D micro shading, combo brows and lip tinting. She always adapts the techniques so that they meet your unique needs and wishes. She has taken many courses over time such as and is always up to date with the latest trends and technologies within the industry

Chia er 41 år og kommer oprindeligt fra Iran. Hun er udover permanent makeup artist i shoppen også tattoo elev, og har 1 års erfaring med at tatovere. Hun har hovedsageligt fokuseret på stilarterne fineline, minimalistiske tattoos og dotwork.

Chia is 41 years and is originally from Iran. In addition to being a permanent makeup artist in the shop, she is also an apprentice in the shop, and has 1 year of experience in tattooing. She has mainly focused on the styles fineline, minimalist tattoos and dotwork.

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