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Tattoo Studio 96

Daniel er 29 år og er butikschef i Tattoo Studio 96 Aalborg. Han har arbejdet i shoppen siden sep. 2022. Til dagligt, finder du ham bag disken, hvor han står for kommunikationen med vores kunder, guider dig ift. din tatovering og laver bookinger. Derudover sørger han for at alle artisterne har de materialer de har brug for, for at lave tatoveringer i den højeste kvalitet. Han har altid et smil på læben og sørger for en god stemning og velkomst, lige så snart du træder ind af døren. 


Daniel is 29 years and is deputy manager in Tattoo Studio 96 Aalborg. He has been working in the shop since Sep. 2022. On a daily basis, you’ll find him behind the reception, where he handles the Communication with the clients and make bookings. Furthermore, he makes sure all the artists have material they need to be able to make you a tattoo in the highest quality. He always has a smile on his face and ensures a good atmosphere and welcome as soon as you walk in the door.