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Tattoo Studio 96

Jessie er 27 år og arbejder som shop manager i Tattoo Studio 96 Aarhus. Hun er uddannet som social – og sundhedsassistent og er samtidig shoppen fysioterapeut. Du kender hende nok som shoppens smil, når du træder ind i butikken, hvor hun altid er klar på gode grin og en hjælpende hånd angående din vision for din tatovering. Hun sørger for at du altid går fra shoppen tilfreds, med et smil og en skøn oplevelse.

Jessie is 27 years and is working as a shop manager in Tattoo Studio 96. She is educated as a health care worker and is also the shops physiotherapist. You might know her as the shop’s smile when you enter the store, where she is always ready for a good laughter and a helping hand regarding your vision for your project. She makes sure you leave the shop satisfied with a smile on your face and a great experience