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Tattoo Studio 96

Mette er 28 år og arbejder som butikschef i Tattoo Studio 96 Aarhus 2.0. Hun startede stillingen i 2022 efter at have fuldført sin kandidatuddannelse i Nordisk Sprog, Litteratur og Medievidenskab. I sin stilling som butikschef finder du hende bag disken, klar til at tage imod dig når du ankommer til shoppen – altid i godt humør og med en kop kaffe klar til dig. Hendes arbejder består også i en mere online orienteret del, hvor hun guider dig gennem din tatovering og booker sessioner samt laver content til shoppens SoMe-platforme.  
Mette is 28 and works as Deputy Manager in Tattoo studio 96 Aarhus 2.0. She started the job position in 2022 after finishing her master in Nordic Language, literature, and media science. In her job position as Deputy Manager, you’ll find her behind the reception, ready to welcome you when you arrive in the shop – always in a good mood and with a cup of coffee ready for you. Her work also consists of a more online focused part, where she guides you through your tattoo and boos session, as well as making content for the shops SoMe-platform.