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Tattoo Studio 96



Resident artist

Elnur er oprindeligt fra Ukraine og er vores nyeste artist. Han har arbejdet som tatovør i mere end 4 år og udtaler, at en tatovering ikke kun bærer den betydning den representerer, men også er en udsmykning for vores krop. Han arbejder hovedsageligt med følgende stilarter: graphic style, whip-shading, ornamental og linework. Han har ikke noget imod at pendle mellem de forskellige afdelinger i både Aarhus og Aalborg for de rette projekter.


Elnur is original from Ukraine and is our newest artist. He has been working as a tattoo artist for more than 4 years and believes that a tattoo not only carries the meaning inherent in it, but also is an ornament to our body. He mainly works in the following styles: graphic, whip-shading, ornamental and linework. He doesn’t mind commuting between the different departments in both Aarhus and Aalborg for the right projects

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